Saturday, May 1, 2010

Friday Night Cruise-In, Kettering/Dayton, April 30, 2010 -- what a beautiful evening!!

Mike and Mike Landry with their 1971 VW Karmann-Ghia
A nice early TR3 set up for racing
Headlight from a custom Ford Hot Rod
Dash from a 1936 Packard 12

Hi folks -- finally the long winter is over and we had a Friday night without rain! And the cars came out, but the hundreds, although with grandpas and grandmas, young children, and 60 year- old geezers like me. It was warm and brilliantly sunny, a perfect evening for a top down ride as well. I only have a few photos to share this time around, but more will be posted with each successive week.
This is an event that has no class, age, race, or gender, barriers -- as all who attend have one interest, namely a love affair with the automobile.

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