This blog will expand on themes and topics first mentioned in my book, "The Automobile and American Life." I hope to comment on recent developments in the automobile industry, reviews of my readings on the history of the automobile, drafts of my new work, contributions from friends, descriptions of the museums and car shows I attend and anything else relevant. Copyright 2009-2020, by the author.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Repainting Mercedes Wheels
Hi folks,
For some time I have been thinking about replacing the 14 inch wheels on my 1982 Mercedes 380SL with 15 inch ones. It is just a lot easier to find good 15 inch tires these days. So I bought some 15 x 7 Mercedes Wheels with an ET of 25 on Ebay. The problem was that 2 of these wheel had scratches on them. But the wheels were ion otherwise excellent condition, particularly in terms of no curb rash. So I used Bondo spot putty to fill the scratches, 320 grit paper to sand it down, did it again, and then used filler primer. Again, after sanding with fine paper, used Duplicolor Wheel Paint and then a final sand with 1500 grit paper. I have finished one, will do the others the next few days. Then when my 14 inch tires wear out, I'll shod these new wheels and be in business.
Thanks for your information, it was really very helpfull.. mercedes rims