Thursday, November 13, 2014

Automobile Headlights and the DNA of the Car: S-Class Mercedes and LEDs

In the near future, Mercedes-Benz will be incorporating an additional HIGH RANGE LED high beam into its LED headlamps. This additional high beam employs state-of-the-art high-performance LEDs to provide high beam ranges of over 600 m in driving situations without any oncoming traffic or vehicles ahead.

Stuttgart.  Light pioneer Mercedes-Benz offers a preview of what the future holds: instead of the 24 LEDs of the gridded high beam module in the CLS headlamp, 84 LEDs per headlamp will soon be providing for even better light quality and even greater safety at night. In the medium term, as many as 1024 pixels per LED will enable optimum illumination of the road at every speed and in all traffic conditions – and without dazzling other road users.
These advances in light technology form part of a continuing tradition: around 500 LEDs attended to all the lighting functions on a car for the first time on the S-Class in 2013. In 2014 the MULTIBEAM LED headlamps on the new CLS-Class raised the benchmark once again with their precision LED light grid modules. The statistics show just how important such precision lights are: at night-time, the risk of accidents increases drastically. Five times as many pedestrians are killed on country roads as during the daytime. Although night-time driving on country roads accounts for only 20 percent of total mileage, 40 percent of all fatal accidents occur here during the night (source: BASt, German Federal Office for Roads and Traffic). Over 120 years of headlamp technology at Mercedes-Benz stand for ongoing progress in the interests of enhanced road safety and the introduction of innovations to benefit the company's customers and other road users.
"Enabling ideal visibility in all driving situations without dazzling other road users has always been our credo in developing new light systems," observes Uwe Kostanzer, head of light systems development at Mercedes-Benz. "We are pursuing the further development of LED technology to this end."

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