Monday, April 20, 2015

Classic Cars in Brazil: Pé na Tábua – Corrida de Calhambeques - 2015 Edition

Three-time champion, Nelson Piquet, and his son Pedro are confirmed for May 1, 2nd and 3rd in Franca – São Paulo, Brazil. Cars built until 1936 only to participate. 

An adventurous spirit, a good dose of enthusiasm and above all a lot of courage, these are the ingredients that resulted in today’s most popular event of classic cars in the country.

While Brazil’s classic car movement is continuously growing with an overwhelming majority of events such as car exhibits, and collector’s meetings who present other type of events that display classic cars while visitors can enjoy the sight of them, walk among them, but not drive them. On the other hand, we have an event that goes against the trend, called “Pé na Tábua – Corrida de Calhambeques.” In the Calhambeques’s race, visitors are also classic car fans that don’t have the need to go see the cars, instead the cars go to them, after all it’s a race.

This event came about for many reasons, one of them is simple: automobiles are meant to be driven. The first “Pé na Tábua – Corrida de Calhambeques” took place on January of 2011 and since then it became an attraction to those who like to combine fun, leisure and the love of vintage cars. What makes this event unique is that it only allows vehicles manufactured until the year 1936 and motorcycles until 1950 to race. 

This year’s event, will receive an important guest of honor and participant: Formula 1 champion Nelson Piquet who already participated and raced for the past three years with his Lincoln 1927 and won the Speed category. Also joining the race is his son Pedro Piquet, who will be competing on another category. Last year, he was the faster pilot on the track. The event date has been set and all the preparations for this year are being made to receive enthusiasts at Speed Park, in Franca - São Paulo - Brazil.

Among the car models that have already been to the event are: a 1913 Ford T, 1909 Ford Speedster, BMW Dixi 1928, 1924 Renault, 1925 Hudson and a 1931 Packard Roadster. This year, the event organization hopes to bring more than sixty vehicles.

If you  are interested in learning more details about the race, go to:,  or check out the Facebook page or Instagram.

Pé na Tábua – Corrida de Calhambeques - 2015 Edition
Date: May 1, 2 e 3
Place: Speed Park – Franca - São Paulo - Brazil (Runway Franca/Claraval KM 3)

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