Saturday, April 11, 2015

Society of Automotive (SAH) Spring Board Meeting, South Bend, Indiana, April 9 and 10, 2015

This 1964 Studebaker Lark Daytona is owned by host Andy Beckman, Vice President of the Society of Automotive Historians and Archivist at the Studebaker National Museum

On Friday morning we visited the former Studebaker Administration Building; Murals on the third level are still in good shape. helpfully this building will be purchased and re-purposed. 

If the topic is Studebaker, inevitably the discussion will move to the Avanti. From left to right, Jon Bill, Andy Beckman, Ed Garten and John Marino.

In the background is a Morgan; SAH treasurer Pat Bisson on left, SAH Secretary (and perhaps the most knowledgable of all Studebaker Historians) Bob Ebert.
On Thursday, we and a productive day long Board meeting, but Friday took us to a number of sites including two private car collections. The Friday night banquet featuring a traditional Polish dinner was superb, as was Jon Bill's excellent presentation comparing the Cord 810/812 to the Avanti.

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