Saturday, May 23, 2015

University of Dayton HST 344 Students Visit the Horch Museum in Zwickau, Germany

Hi folks -- we are up and running in Leipzig! After 4 days of classes, we took our first field trip on Friday, to Zwickau, Germany where we visited the VW plant in the morning and the Horch Museum in the afternoon. To do this we took a bus at 7:30 a.m.
The tour guide at VW spoke only German but our site leader, Dr. Art Mosher, translated for us. This plant, consisting of both a metal shop and assembly facility, initially took over Trabant facilities and then expanded greatly; currently the product is the VW Golf, and they work 3 shifts in a very clean plant. As you might of expect, lots of automated machines and robots. They make both left and right hand drives here, and also some body parts for the Bentley. Engines come from a smaller plant in Chemnitz.
We had lunch at the plant and then had a short ride to the Horch Museum. I remained in the dining area of the museum this time around, as I had visited the facility both in 2009 and 2012. My knees were really giving me problems by the end of the VW plant tour. After the students came back from reviewing the exhibits, I took the  following photos.

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