Thursday, April 20, 2017

Red Light Cameras

Do red light cameras actually make for safer streets?  Are the fines just revenue generators for local government? Do these programs line the pockets of the companies that work with the local governments in setting up the equipment and maintaining it?

WHIO-TV in Dayton had a news story today on this topic and the effect of turning off the cameras. Police argue that a 40% spike in crashes this past year was in part due to the absence of cameras.

An Ohio State Supreme Court mandate decided that an officer must be present at the site of the camera surveilled intersection for an arrest to be made.  Dayton police have said that they will comply with this additional caveat within another month.

Cameras, cameras, becoming commonplace in our everyday world, although not at the same level as the British.

1 comment:

  1. Add one second to the yellow intervals and ticket slow rolling right on red turns only if the video reveals a failure to yield the right of way to a pedestrian, cyclist, or another vehicle - and the cameras will record so few violations and lose so much money from their high $4,000 to $5,000 per month per camera costs that the cameras will be removed. Red light cameras are government-run money grab rackets that no one should support. James C. Walker, National Motorists Association
