Monday, August 7, 2017

Society of Automotive Historians Sponsored American Historical Association Panel, January, 2018

Hi folks -- A little -known fact is that the SAH is an affiliate of the AHA. From time to time the SAH sponsors a panel at the AHA annual meeting, and below is the one approved for this coming January. If you are in the Washington area and an SAH member, or a historian attending the meeting, please consider attending!

Automobility and Political Identity in a Neoliberal Age

Friday, January 5, 20181:30 PM-3:00 PM
Marriott Wardman Park, Roosevelt Room 4
Chair: Kathleen Franz, National Museum of American History and American University
Populist Politics and Automobility: Policy Activist Michael Parkhurst and the Use of Film to Advance Neoliberal Ideology
James Todd Uhlman, University of Dayton
Automoibles, Global Warming, and the Triumph of Liberal Individualism: A Bright Future for Automotive Historians
Tom McCarthy, United States Naval Academy
Driving the Neoliberal Surround
Cotten Seiler, Dickinson College
Comment: Kathleen Franz, National Museum of American History and American University

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