Thursday, February 8, 2018

A History of Driver Education in the US: Images from the First Version of "Sportsmanlike Driving," Late 1930s

Habit was at the heart of how one learned to drive during the early 1930s. 

The prevailing thought of the 1930s was that the responsibility for accidents lay in the hands  the driver, not the car or its design.

Pedestrian safety was a major concern during the 1930s, as cars began to dominate the street and its rules and regulations.  One did not want to be a "jaywalker."

These images were taken from the AAA Driver Education Booklet entitled "The Driver," first published in 1936.  See my paper on "Making a Nation of Drivers" for a detailed explanation providing context for these images.  Over the course of the next 5 decades the images contained in Sportsmanlike Driving would change edition to edition, reflective to a degree of a shift in thought concerning the automobile and American life.

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