Sunday, June 10, 2018

Ault Park Concours, Cincinnati, OH, June 10, 1018

Great day at Ault Park!  More photos to follow.  My Porsche ran flawlessly down there and back -- about 50 miles each way.  Porsche was the featured marque, and there were a number of very rare cars there -- Porsches and otherwise.  Note #17 at the center of the photo -- a 1964 Porsche 904. The first copy of Road & Track that I purchased featured a 904 on the cover and in a story.  Reading that marked the beginning of my interest in Porsches, along with a toy 356 that a German relative had sent me.

Threatened of rain on the way home, but only sprinkled the last 10 miles.  I just drove faster!

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