Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hitchcock's "Suspicion" (1941) and a 1936 Lagonda LG 45 4.5 liter drophead coupe

From Ed --- We often don't associate the film corpus of Alfred Hitchcock with automobiles however, today, I was in a University of Dayton Learning in Retirement seminar focused on the films of Hitchcock and viewed one of the first films he made after he moved from England to Hollywood -- Suspicion (1941) -- with Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine.
Hitchcock supposedly had a life-long fear of police that ran so deep he refused to get a driver’s license on account of the possibility that he might someday be pulled over and ticketed. Instead of the driver’s seat, Hitchcock preferred the director’s chair where he often used fast cars and cliff-top roads to build suspense. Enter Suspicion. This 1941 romantic psychological thriller (starring Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine) features a cliff-top climax with a 1936 Lagonda LG45 4½-litre drophead coupé.
A beautiful '36 Lagonda -- like in this film -- can see seen in the attachment to this message.
Here's a nice website from the Historic Vehicle Association (HVA) that looks at a few of the many automobiles found in various Hitchcock films:

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