Sunday, October 13, 2019

Donald Trump at the AACA Swap Meet in Hershey, PA

OK folks, you know that this is not a political blog nor am I a terribly engaged political person. But I just got to say what follows.

The above photo was taken by Ed this week while on the swap meet fields at Hershey. There is not supposed to be political or for that matter non-auto material on the field, but it was not enforced. Indeed, the AACA national tent was within a stone's throw of where this flag was flying. There were plenty of Trump signs on the field, in carts being pulled around, and quantities to be sold or given away.

Back in October 2016 I had thought that Trump didn't have a chance to win the upcoming election, and thus was astonished to find as many signs as I did see that time around.  And beautiful young girls were walking around with "I am deplorable" written on their T-shirts across their chests. Well, as we found out, Trump did better than expected, and carried Pennsylvania along with Ohio and Michigan. I should have known that day that he was more than a candidate who would be trounced in November.

So why am I writing this? Some people, like Michael Moore, are making a big deal out of the idea that Trump will will in 2020, even though poll numbers are low.  Is this at all possible given what Trump does on almost a daily basis? Maybe so, but I won't help him.

In 2020  America is at the crossroads. When you vote, don't contribute the nation from taking the wrong road!

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