Sunday, February 16, 2020

Can you identify this car, from a photo taken around 1920?

If you can identify, contact Bob King directly.

Mr. Heitmann, 

Have a question which I wonder whether you or members with the Society of Automotive Historians could help me with. 

Can you identify the car in the attached photo, circa 1920. I believe this was taken in San Francisco with members of the Red Salmon Cannery in Alaska. 

I am a historian that specializes in Alaska fisheries. This picture was found in a cannery in Bristol Bay, Alaska, one that opened in 1916 and is still in operation today. 

We’re trying to identify the men in the car and don’t expect you to know anything about that, but the car is just so striking we’d also like to know what it is. The model date might also help focus our search. The shape of the radiator makes me think it might be a Bugatti but it doesn’t seem to exactly match. 

I found your society organization and name on a google search and thought I’d give it a try. I get similar questions about identifying photos of canneries or boats all the time. Thanks for any help you might provide.

Bob King
Juneau, Alaska


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