Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pleasure Driving during the Lockdown?

Yesterday, unlike today, was glorious in terms of sun and temperature. As a break from working around the house -- and knowing that rain was in the forecast -- I decided to take the Porsche out for brief spin. There were two reasons in my mind for doing this: 1) the car has not been out much and needs to be run -- keep the seals fresh, the brake calipers operable, the machine moving; 2) because I have been house-bound, doesn't mean I can't enjoy life to the fullest. Given my age and pre-exsiting conditions, including congestive heart failure, AFIB, and high blood pressure, any day could well be my last with Corona seemingly everywhere I touch and turn.
I drive solo -- far removed from anyone else. I noticed at least one old guy on the other side of the neighborhood gave me a grimaced, non-approving look. I don't care! But should I?

What do you think? With no cruise-ins, car events, etc., should we still take out cars out occasionally to exercise them and exorcise ourselves?

1 comment:

  1. My personal opinion is NO. You should stay your home. Nowadays outside is very dangerous. So thinking for you and your family you should not go outside from your home. Stay home and stay safe. Thank you.
