Friday, June 12, 2020

Winton Engines Building: Can Anyone Identify where this Photograph was Taken?

Can anyone help Jean with an identification of the location of this image?

Attached is a photo of an unidentified woman standing in front of a building with the name "Winton Engines" on it. It was in a group of old family photos associated with a caption sheet. For many of the photos, there isn't enough information on either the caption sheet or the photos, for me to be able to match the photo with its caption. 
This of course is yet another example of Why You Must Caption Your Photos Before You Forget What They Show - And Before You Die And Leave Your Heirs Wondering What/Who They Show.
I am playing a massive version of the old game show "Concentration". Unless I find another photo of her which identifies this woman, I'll never know who she was. She meant something to one of my parents. All are long dead. 
The reason I'm asking you about it is that I'd like to know where this photo was taken. Wikipedia has a lot of information about Winton Engines in its various name versions. It was sold to GM. Obviously, part of automotive history. 
I tried to find photos which might reveal the location of this building, but failed. Search engines don't understand syntax - and I still don't know how to enter a Search which would find any any possible online photos of this building. 
If you can help me find the city where this photo was taken, I'd very much appreciate it.

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