Friday, July 24, 2020

California or Bust! A Three wagon Train in Hinton, West Virginia Headed to California for Jesus, 1959

Note in the photograph below that in addition to the three-wagon train headed for California there are several 1950s cars: a 1957 Olds; 1957 DeSoto; 1955 Mercury; 1955 Chevy; 1958 Ford (?).
See below for an explanation of the wagon train!

John, in 1959 when I was 11 years old there was an evangelist in my hometown of Hinton by the name of Harry Payton.  Mr. Payton got this bright idea to conduct a "wagon train" to take Jesus all the way to California.  I am not making this up (see photo here).  I do not know how many months it took but apparently one of the three horse drawn wagons made it all the way.  I suspect many people were converted along the way although one suspects that California folks rejected Christ.  ðŸ˜Š 

In this photo the wagon train is getting ready to go, leaving from the main street through Hinton.  Note the Western Auto Associate store,  the place where I bought all of my bicycle repair parts including a new Sturmy-Archer "transmission" for my English bike

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