Sunday, July 5, 2020

Ford Maintenance Prices in Rural America, 1947-1949

Don't be fooled by the low price! In real 2020 dollars,  $1 in 1947 = $11.50 in 2020! Note how expensive tires are in 1947 -- probably still the consequence of the WWII rubber shortage. Note too that in 1947 Model A service is still advertised -- probably due to the late number of As still on the road. Because of the demand for new cars and the fact that in 1947 manufacturers are still in a sellers' market, note that reconditioning a car is a real option.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. It's just amazing to see the prices from the later 40s. Have a great rest of your day and keep up this fun posts.
    Greg Prosmushkin
