Monday, July 13, 2020

It began with bicycles and ended with cars, Part II

I am not very mechanically inclined but one of the several bikes I used on my paper route
was a British 3 speed.  We called them "English" bikes.  But I totally disassembled the rear
gear mechanism just to see how it worked at the age of perhaps 12 or so.  Adjusting the 
caliper brakes, both front and rear, was also much fun, making sure they aligned with the sides of the rims.
Of course, it also had the required front light where power was generated by the little generator that rubbed against the wheel.   Mine was a "Raleigh" -- a major producer of English bikes for these shores.

I think I was the only kid in the area who had an "English" bike and other kids likely thought of me
as a bit odd.  Likely I was.   Narrow tires on an English bike and horrible West Virginia back roads
did not make for a good combination.  I do recall one of my newspaper customers asking me: "Why
do you ride one of them foreign bicycles, ain't American bicycles good enough for you?" 

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