Saturday, September 5, 2020

Cars and Parts Event, Springfield, OH, Clark County Fairgrounds, September 4, 2020

 I couldn't take it any longer and had to get out!  Perhaps with draconian consequences in two weeks, as we shall find out. There was this pent-up urge to do something -- and to be around other people. And why not search for the Holy Grail at the fairgrounds? In reality, I have not found anything of merit in years. Today it was two fuel filters for $2 and $5 worth of Amish friend pies.

Well, the people I picked to be around may not have been the very best, as the photos show if you look close enough. They are for the most part the salt of the earth. Clearly the event organizers were pleading with attendees to wear masks, to their credit. And a good number did wear masks.  But a majority did not, and I may later regret going to this swap meet and car sales show. I also got into a rather difficult conversation with a "Trumper," who kept asking me "give me one good reason why you should vote for Biden." No matter what I said, about Trump's embarrassing behavior, sleazy and incompetent staff, and disgraceful personality, this guy just came back time after time with the same question.  And then he conceded that he liked the way Trump conducts himself!

I could only imagine that there were Germans with the same attitude and ignorance in the streets during the 1930s. I wish my parents were alive so I could talk to them about what they saw and experienced in Germany before they left in 1938.

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