Sunday, April 18, 2021

Goodbye Old Friend: I Sold My 1971Porsche 911T Targa

 What more can I say? After 25 years, dozens of trips to cruise-ins and Cars&Coffee, many trips to Hershey, including the Porsche only event, Stoddard Swap meets, it is no longer mine. Offit goes to Venice, CA, and a new owner.

I know almost every part of that car. It came home on the back of a flatbed. New fenders, and other body parts. Never perfect, including the paint. Long country drives, as I put on over 75K miles during the years. It forced me to be a hack mechanic, problem solver, purchasing agent, and persistent, despite the difficulties. Early on it left me several times on these of the road ("Kaye, get the rope!") The topdown rides were always exhilarating. It gave me an inner strength I will never forget. It was never a status statement, and I immensely disliked those Porsche owners who went to club events too showoff their expensive cars and trophy wives. It was less than perfect, just like me. 

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