Thursday, June 3, 2021

Installing Windshield frame bushings on a Mercedes-Benz R107

 It seems like something so simple as installing these does not need to be written up! But for a hack/dumb ass mechanic like me, perhaps something should be said. 

These bushings disintegrate over time. & years ago, when I purchased my SL, the bushings were about to come apart and so after time I just took what was left off. For most of the time since then I just used the hardtop, and so put no thought into replacing them.  But recently I shifted to the soft top, and so started investigating rrepalcing them. I figure every part on that car has a purpose, including these two little bushings.

You should know that the best place to buy them is at Pelican parts. EBay sales are rediculously high and overinflated. many of the parts on eBay are overpriced!

So to install do this -- first pale the bashings in a cup of hot water to soften. That done, I still had some problems with a proper installation because the stainless steel trim around the openings had be distorted a bit over the years. Insert a small screwdriver between the stainless trim and frame, and gently raise up the trim just a bit to fit the bushing. You will know when it is right.

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