Friday, July 30, 2021

Complicity in the Murder of Walter Wanderwell

 I am breaking in my post chronology because of this photo that turned up today while grazing newspapers.I don't have the source but will find it next time I sit down and work on this topic. 

 The other day I read a blog post that had a reply stating that there was no question that Aloha, her 2nd husband and William Guy conspired to kill Walter Wanderwell. I replied to that statement by asking for evidence. Then I saw this photo today.

Certainly there has to be much more before this unsolved murder can be solved.And most likely it will never be solved. 

 But the photo is suggestive. And even more important, Aloha appears to be far more than the innocent young lady portrayed in the massive public relations campaign to promote her as "the first woman to drive around the world" and other material of similar ilk. Cigarette in her mouth and with a dusky look, Aloha's image here  suggests the possibility that she could well have been a part of Walter Wanderwell murder story! 

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