Sunday, November 14, 2021

"Blue Highways" Essay Question, HST 344

Below is an essay question I recently used on a test in my HST 344, “The Automobile and American Life” course.

II Essay (50 pts). Write an essay in which you COMPLETE ALL FIVE of the following tasks about the book Blue Highways

(1) As the story begins, who is William Least Heat Moon? What was the vehicle used during the trip and did it have significance?  

(2) In our present-day America we rarely use maps in our travels, as well as traversing blue highways.  Rather, GPS seems to now be almost universally employed.  How does that change the nature of automotive travel?

(3) As he circles America, Least Heat Moon meets many individuals along the way, and at times, he encounters vast spaces. In the process of this journey, he grows spiritually. Briefly discuss his spiritual journey.

(4) In your opinion, who were the most interesting and worthwhile individuals he met during his journey and why? What landscapes were most striking?

(5) When answering each of the above questions, be as detailed and critical observant as possible. ALSO:  write an introduction and a conclusion in which you tie together the answers you give for the four questions above, and explain your overall impression of the book's meaning.

1 comment:

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