Saturday, January 1, 2022

Early Automotive Accidents: A Prelude to Issues with Autonomous Vehicles Today

 This was taken from an article in the Dayton Daily News, January 1, 2022 by Roy Furchgott (New York Times). The auhtor's point was the there is a lag in regulation as new technology is introduced on public roads. Currently, states do little in terms of putting restraints on the use of driverless cars -- it is litigation that serves as restraints. The federal government is not currently involved in this matter.

John William Lambert is credited with building America’s first practical gas-powered car, and with surviving the first recorded crash, in 1891.

1891: the first workable American gasoline car, made by John W. Lambert.

Later, New York recorded a couple of firsts: the first crash between vehicle--a car and bicycle -- in 1896 and the first pedestrian fatality, when an electric cab struck Henry Bliss in 1899. 

But it wasn’t until 1909 that New York introduced its first comprehensive traffic laws. Envisioned by William Phelps Eno, those laws, the basis of traffic laws today, lagged the advent of the car accident by 18 years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi...
    Tesla autonomous vehicles have been involved in several accidents. The first accident that resulted in death occurred in Florida on May 7, 2016. The first Uber self-driving car crash occurred on November 20, 2018, in Tempe, Arizona. The cause was human error and resulted in the death of pedestrian Elaine Hezerberg.
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