Saturday, January 8, 2022

Mercedes-Benz R 107 in Film: A 1972 450Sl in “Moka” (2016)


What a wonderful film, featuring the above car! The plot enters on the pursuit of an unknown person responsible for an accident that caused the death of a young man. The pursuer is a mother who does not give up, and the first suspect is an innocent older blonde woman. As it turns out it is the older blond’s daughter who was the driver. Yet tragically she who has suffered greatly since that event, as the older woman’s unfaithful lover, who incidentally a very bad guy by the name of Michel, was ultimately responsible for the hit and run.  The car is powerful, beautiful, and the center of a story that has a a backdrop Swiss and French landscapes and towns. In the end there isa confrontation, and instead of putting bullet holes in Michel,  the car gets shot four times. It deserved a better fate. 
A psychological thriller -- “Moka." 

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