Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Color of the Corvettes Used on the TV Series “Route 66"

 From Ed:

But the question was asked yesterday about the number of Corvettes that Chevrolet provided the production company over the life of the series.   The first 'Vette used in "Route 66" was a Powder Blue (Horizon Blue) 1960 convertible.  But that vehicle was only used in the very first episode.

As the series moved forward one sees the guys driving a 1961 convertible and then a 1962 convertible.  Along with the 1960 model and the models going back to the first Corvettes in 1953, these are referred to as "C-1" vehicles.  

During the last season viewers saw the guys driving a 1963 Corvette, the first year of the "Stingray" which, at that point, are technically referred to as "C-2" Corvettes.


Despite rumors of red and  black Corvettes being used on the show there were never any of those colors.  The producers purposely picked light blue and then eventually Fawn Beige colored vehicles because they filmed the best in black-n-white. So, the first car was a '60, then came a '61, a '62, and the last car used was a Fawn Beige 1963 Corvette Stingray Convertible--which finished the show out through 1964. 

Some marketing experts as well as claims by the Chevrolet Division of GM suggested that this "product placement" was among the most successful of any automobile product placement before or since.  Sales figures of new Corvettes rose substantially over the course of the four seasons of the show.

For more information here are three websites that may provide you with more than you really wanted to know!

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