Sunday, May 1, 2022

A Ford Dealer’s Mother’s Day Sale, 1956!

So when was the last time that you saw a car dealer hold a Mother's Day sale?  Probably never, but my late Uncle Daymon at Garten Motors Ford & Mercury in Hinton, West Virginia always honored mothers by offering "special deals" to mothers. 

See the advertisement (May 1956) in the middle of the attached.  Uncle Daymon noted that "these cars need a mother" and then has on offer a 1952 Kaiser Manhattan for $495.  At the bottom of the ad my uncle notes that mothers might also like one of the trucks that are on offer.  Anything to make the sale!

Wonderful man, Uncle Daymon, but as a kid I never saw him without a cigarette in his hand -- a chain smoker -- three pack a day man -- who died young of congestive heart failure.  😢  -- Ed

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