Sunday, May 29, 2022

Ed’s 1952 Hettrick Pedal Wagon

As a kid I vaguely recall having had a first pedal car, but only now at the age of 74  it has become clear what that vehicle actually was.  It was a 1952 Hettrick Pedal Wagon, introduced in 1948 and one of the first velocipede tricycles of the style seen in this photo.  Most in this countrywere purchased from the Sears Roebuck catalogue and I suspect my parents ordered one to be picked up at the small local Sears store in Hinton, West Virginia.  

How do I know? Recently I came into some 8mm home movies that my late father had taken.  After taking those films to a gentleman in this area who transfers old home movies to DVD we discovered a short few seconds of me, myself, and I riding a Hetrick Petal Wagon up and down the sidewalk outside our home. 

Indeed, it is a strange feeling seeing one's self as a little boy vigorously peddling in a home movie what was known as a "pedal wagon." 

More photos and background at the website below.

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