Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wishful Thinking: Ford Verses Mercedes Advertising Art, 1982

View of a Ford Granada sedan and a Mercedes Benz sedan parked in front of building. Label on sleeve: "Ford Motor Co., Ford advertising, Granada, Mercedes, 1981-82.

From the National Automotive history Collection, Detroit Public Library

Typical of The Boulevard Photographic style of advertising art, light is key to the image. The message is ridiculous, given what we know from looking back. The Granada came and went, but the 1982 Mercedes remains a fixture on the road, reflective of its inherent build quality.  

The Ford Granada (1975-1982) initially was a replacement for the Maverick. It was marketed and made in Europe as the manufacturers top-of-the-line model. One rarely sees a Granada on the road today, but Mercedes sedans often continue, sometimes lovingly cared for by their owners. 


  1. I can't express how beautiful this pic is, not just the car but I appreciate the photography too. The darkness and sunlight. This is absolutely an art. Anything you can master can be an art just like MBA project helper in UAE making projects and assignments.

  2. Mercedes is my favorite yet the most classical car of the world. Their magnificent website gives people the best user experience one can have. I would recommend to visit their website.
