Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year! A Postcard from 120 Years Ago

 Trust in the Lord with all your might

2022 was an interesting year. I had to help Kaye get through several health challenges throughout the year. That was taxing, especiallycoping with  her behavioral patterns that are in part due to memory loss. But we did survive.

 As I look back at it, a year of more drift than I would like. Retirement has not been easy, as focus has been lost and directed work has been far less. I found some direction by joining Fairhaven Church, going to a weekly Bible study, and participating in morning devotionals with Paul Clark, but it is far from enough in terms of solidifying my identity.

Challenges remain in terms of uniting family, maintaining health with my left knee at issue, and finding a meaningful and realistic work strategy.

The big thing accomplished on the Mercedes after a year of dragging my feet was installing a front Euro bumper and cat-eye turn signals. The car looks so much better. 

Later today I’ll take my 2023 “victory” drive. The salt is off the roads and the temperature will be above 50. I made it to another year, but am far from satisfied with my being right now.

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