Wednesday, March 22, 2023

When are you too old to drive?


The  above title above is a loaded question if there ever was one! Who wants to surrender their freedom unless forced to? How will assessment of driving ability be judged and by whom? When does mental deterioration become such a liability that steps to prevent driving be taken? 

What a complex set of parameters -- reaction time, mental state, eyesight, early onset dementia and other neurological  symptoms?  Propensity to take risks and judgment concerning speed. 

At what age is mandatory reexamination mandated by the state? When do insurance companies intervene? 

I'll begin to study the topic and report my findings here

1 comment:

  1. "When are you too old to drive?": A thought-provoking question, this title raises the issue of age and driving. It sparks a discussion around the appropriate time to stop driving, considering factors such as physical abilities and cognitive functions.
