Saturday, January 20, 2024

One Great Jaguar XK-E Film -- “52 Pick-Up"

This 1986 film was surprisingly good, and I am surprised that many of the critics rated this film rather low, RoySchneider (Harry Mitchell) and Ann-Margaret give us first rate performances, with a touching ending.  But from my perspective, the star of the film was a Jaguar 3.8 XK-E. The car is as sexy as the women in the film, and a symbol of 1980s SoCal wealth and white privilege. It is also symbolic of Harry Mitchell’s life -- a shining example of the self-made man. Mitchell had restored it to it’s present glory.  It goes where ever he goes. It exudes wealth and class. And it has one bad radio speaker, but a fabulous Alpine radio. And when the explosion destroys it and the end of the film, it is symbolic of a new life and renewed marriage in the wake of sheer terror. 

The vehicle is featured throughout the movie, is often mentioned, and parlayed into a blackmail payment. Also the ends the bad guy Alan’s extortion plan and life, with a lockdown of the evil protagonist before a fiery, final  explosion. The frontal nudity in this flick is tantalizing, Ann-Margaret is fetching, and Schneider’s character is believable. If there was one unbelievable moment it is the lockdown at the ending, as door locks, window controls and more are far more effective than I believe probable and possible. 
In sum, overall it is an entertaining and at times sexy movie with a great car at the center of the story. The moral of the story, however, is important. Any of us are one bad decision from living a hellish life, however, the consequences of a foolish and fleshly sin!

Plot summary from Wikipedia

Harry Mitchell is a successful construction magnate living LA, whose wife Barbara is running forcity council. One day, Harry is confronted by three hooded blackmailers who demand $105,000 per year for a videotape of him and his mistress, a young stripper named Cini. Because of his wife's political aspirations, he cannot go to the police; however, guilt eventually drives him to confess, and she kicks him out of their bedroom. 

Harry's stubborn inclination is to not surrender to the threats, and when his lawyer advises him that the blackmailers will never leave him alone, he refuses to pay. The lead blackmailer breaks into Harry's house and steals Harry's gun and some items of his clothing. Later, the trio kidnap Harry and force him to watch a video of Cini being murdered with Harry's own gun. They demand $105,000 a year for the rest of Harry's life in exchange for their silence. Harry, however, vows to get revenge.

Using deduction and his business contacts, Harry tracks down and confronts Alan Raimy, the leader of the blackmailers and an amateur adult filmmaker. Knowing he has a background in accounting, Harry shows Raimy his financial records, which indicate that the majority of his wealth is tied up and he can't afford $105,000. Raimy agrees to accept Harry's offer of $52,000 instead, at least as a first payment. 

Through Doreen, a stripper who was friends with Cini, Harry learns the names of the other blackmailers: the sociopathic Bobby Shy and the cowardly Leo. He first makes Raimy suspicious by suggesting Leo gave up his name; Bobby, realizing the truth, violently interrogates Doreen but believes her when she says she didn't give him away. That night he breaks into the Mitchell house and tries to kill Harry, but Harry and Barbara overpower him. Harry realizes Raimy kept the revised deal to himself and tells Bobby as much before letting him go.

Leo, cracking under the pressure, confesses everything to Harry, saying he never wanted to hurt Cini and that both her body and the videotape have been disposed of. He also warns him that Raimy and Bobby will kill him and Barbara after the payment is made, since he knows who they are. Bobby later confronts Leo, who is planning to leave town, and kills him. Meanwhile, Raimy kidnaps Barbara and sedates her with drugs, to ensure Harry delivers the $52,000. He lures Bobby and Doreen to a warehouse and kills both of them before going to meet Harry.

Harry exchanges the money for Barbara, telling Raimy that if anything happens to them, his lawyer will send Raimy's fingerprints (from the financial records) to the police. Raimy had previously expressed interest in Harry’s sports car, so Harry offers it as a getaway vehicle. When Raimy turns the ignition key the doors lock, trapping him inside; the car then explodes in a ball of fire

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