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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Chrysler Advertising in Germany, 1927

 It is common knowledge that American automobiles held a significant portion in the German automobile market before the Nazis came to power in 1933. Below are examples of Chrysler Advertising in the 1927  issues of “Sport im Bild.” 1927 was a significant year for this magazine, as the editor was Erich Maria Remarque, who was on the cusp of fame with the publication of his “All Quiet on the Western Front.” What is often not remarked about Remarque was that he was formerly an automotive journalist, and as editor of “Sport im Bild” he brought in a significant amount of automotive articles to an upper middle class readership. Below are a few Chrysler ads from 1927:

                            Thousands more can now afford the Chrysler -- a technological marvel. A model that is smaller and less expensive, but fast and with good handling.

                            Now a closed cabin model!

                                Buy a two seater Chrysler! Decide in your heart to buy a sports model                          

                                The Chrysler 60. Assembled in Berlin. Incomparable Engineering and Materials.T


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